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What Your Brows Say About You


If eyes are the windows to the soul than your eyebrows are the window dressing, and like heavy drapes vs. sleek wooden shades, your brows say a lot about you.

Sporting thick bold, but groomed eyebrows, like those spotted on runways and in glossy magazines, says this woman is a risk taking fashionista. Thin, highly arched brows may be a throw back to the 90s, but also express a sense of subtle chic.

Whatever your style, brows are an important part of your face that deserve frequent grooming to keep them neat, trimmed, and symmetrical.

Here are a few tips to make sure you get the most out of your brow shape.

Oval Shaped: Longer than wide, oval faces will do best with a brow that draws attention away from the chin and forehead. A strong, defined brow will bring focus to your eyes and a bit of width to your face.

Heart Shaped: Charmingly romantic, beauties with heart shaped faces have narrower chins and foreheads and cheekbones of equal width. Soften the point of the chin and balance your face with a softer arch.

Square Shaped: Forehead, cheekbones, and jaw line are about equal in width with square faces. Draw attention away from your jaw by sporting a well-defined angular arch with a sharp peak.

Round Shaped: The objective here is break up the roundness and bring some definition to your bone structure. A well-defined brow with a high arch will create angles in your cherubic visage.

Small Eyes: Counter balance your smaller peepers with a fuller brow that has a natural arch to make your eyes look bigger.

Large Eyes: Lucky you, just enhance those attention getters with a bold brow that follows your natural arch.

Close Set Eyes: Open your face by starting your brows farther away from your nose.

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