beautiful skin

Back to School With Clear Skin
College is calling your name – and unfortunately, so are stress, sleepless nights, partying, and forgetting about your good skin habits. What comes next? Acne breakouts, pimples, blackheads and more, of course. Stay calm and carry on. ZO Skin Health has solutions that are easy and simple enough even for an overscheduled student to stick with. Acne may be caused by genetics or hormones, and usually it’s a combination of multiple...
How To Wash Your Face The Right Way
Cleansing should be the simplest part of your daily skin care routine. But, you may not realize that some all too common bad habits can cause a whole list of skin problems, including dry patches, irritation, oiliness, redness, clogged pores, and breakouts. Cleansing before you go to bed is an essential part of keeping your skin healthy. During the day the oils on your skin oxidize, which collects dirt and debris on cells from pollutants,...

Kick Sugar To the Curb

Kick Sugar To the Curb
We all know that sugar is bad for your body, your organs, and your overall health. But did you realize that sugar is also bad for your skin and can actually accelerate the aging process? A huge part of the problem is that too many of us are not aware how addictive sugar is and easy it is to get hooked. Another issue is that sugar is in just about everything.It is even hidden in some foods where you would least suspect it. For example, canned...

Pack Your Bags With ZO

Pack Your Bags With ZO
You asked for it – we listened. In time for summer vacay planning, we are excited to introduce two new Travel Packettes of Dr. Obagi’s signature complexion control pads. Just because you’re going to be chillaxing at the beach or climbing a mountain trail, or having a barbeque in your backyard, your skin doesn’t have to suffer. According to Beverly Hills Dermatologist Dr. Zein Obagi, Medical Director of ZO Skin Health, “Your skin...
Alpha Arbutin – A NEW Retinol Alternative
The ZO Medical range was specifically developed as an intensive daily skincare program that slows down premature aging and skin damage, and helps to maintain healthy skin for the long term. One of the newest additions to the ZO Medical roster is OSSENTIAL® Brightalive Non Retinol Skin Brightener. What makes Brightalive so unique is that it is a highly effective skin brightening formula without containing hydroquinone or retinol....
How Long is a Skin Cycle?
The concept of Skin Health Restoration, advanced by Zein E. Obagi, MD, is the optimum process to restore skin activity, vitality, strength and youthfulness, while also treating any skin conditions such as acne, rosacea, or pigmentation. This process ultimately leads to the best possible results for your skin, and will allow you to maintain these results for the long term. But you will need to be patient because skin health restoration...
Eat Your Way to More Beautiful Skin
The best healthy-skin plan encompasses a solid daily skin care approach, lifestyle, and diet, so it’s no surprise that good eating habits—or lack thereof—can affect the health and appearance of your skin. Certain foods go above and beyond, offering antioxidant benefits that cannot be achieved through skin care alone. “More studies are finding links between certain nutrients and wrinkle reduction, radiance, and acne prevention,”...

Eat More Water

Eat More Water
Drinking 8 glasses of water every day is easier said than done. Are you looking for alternatives? Try eat more fruits and veggies, especially in the summer when fresh produce is easy to come by. Not only do they offer a healthy blend of vitamins, anti-oxidants, and fiber, they’re also high in water. Here are some of the best. F​ruits Strawberries - a 149 gram serving has 92% water. Melons - a typical portion of watermelon or cantaloupe...

Our Focus Is On Your Skin

Our Focus Is On Your Skin
“Keep your eye on the ball.” It’s such a simple concept. So, why trust a skincare company that’s got its eye on five other balls, from fragrances all the way to fashion? Dr. Zein Obagi’s focus is your skin—always has been, always will be. You won’t ever find yourself browsing the cosmetic counters and coming across a hot new mascara with the ZO Skin Health logo on it. Nor will you stumble across our new shampoo and conditioner at...
The Truth About Skincare Products
Are skincare companies treating you fairly, or are you being ripped off? There have been a number of articles and ads comparing the effectiveness of a skincare products to their cost. While these reports raise some interesting questions, they generally don’t provide any meaningful answers. Consumer Reports concluded that just because a product is expensive doesn’t mean that it’s effective, and just because it’s inexpensive doesn’t mean...
You Multitask – So Should Your Skincare
If you know how to do five things at once, most business professionals would refer to you as a fine multitasker. You know that to get everything you want out of life, multitasking isn’t a choice, but a requirement. The same can be said for your skincare: to get everything you want for your skin, your products simply must multitask. If anyone can appreciate this concept, it’s you—today’s modern woman. That’s why Dr. Obagi created...

The Battle of The Sexes

The Battle of The Sexes
When it comes to fighting aging, men win. If you’re thinking, “it’s just not fair,” you’re probably right. It’s a double-whammy. We already suspected that men find it easier, and quicker, to lose unwanted pounds. But we now know that women also age faster than men, meaning their skin loses collagen and elastin at a faster rate—and at an earlier age—than men. This helps explain why women spend more time and more money on...
Environmental Skin Aging vs. Intrinsic Skin Aging
Dermatologists like to tell people what they can do to treat lines and wrinkles caused by UV damage, wind, smoke, etc. It’s easy. There are lots of good ingredients for treating environmental aging. But intrinsic aging—meaning, you and your skin are just getting older—is different. Until recently, if you asked dermatologists what ingredient worked best, they wouldn’t be able to give you a straight answer because they didn’t know...
Winter Skin Woes: Chicken Skin
Its nickname is “chicken skin,” but the formal name is keratosis pilaris. Whatever you call it—it isn’t easily corrected, and treatment can last for  six months. It appears as little red bumps on the back of the upper arms, the thighs, torso, and/or derriere, and frequently affects people with eczema or asthma. This condition has a genetic component, and is caused by hot showers, loofahs, and abrasive scrubs, and can be...
Radical Night Repair – The Wrinkle Solver
When it comes to anti-aging, Dr. Obagi doesn’t mess around. Case in point, ZO Skin Health’s Radical Night Repair Plus. Typical drug store retinol products contain clinically insignificant amounts of retinol. Minuscule, in fact. Why? Because retinol is difficult to formulate with, and because when used in high concentrations, it’s extremely potent. So rather than produce a lotion or cream that really works, manufacturers put in just a...

How To Stay Cool

How To Stay Cool
If you live in an area where the temperature is starting to soar, your skin is under stress and duress. Dry skin, eczema, acne-prone skin, and sensitive skin are all especially problematic. Here’s what Dr. Obagi recommends to get through the summer heat. Sweating is your body’s way of regulating temperature. Wear fabrics that allow your skin to breathe properly, like linen and cotton. Spandex, lycra, and other such fabrics are comfortable,...
The Great Skin Care Conspiracy
Sometimes the odds of getting a good product are bad when it comes to skin care. The creams and lotions that claim to clear, lift, firm, tighten, and correct your complexion don’t always do what they say they’re going to. Less than 50% of the products you put on your face actually help you look younger. And even fewer than that are worth what you pay for them. Why are skin care products so confusing? And why is there so little brand loyalty?...

Night Skincare Rituals

Night Skincare Rituals
Unlike your body, your skin doesn’t go to sleep at night. It could even be argued that nighttime products are more important than daytime, because that’s when the skin repairs itself. In fact, there are many reasons why skincare products should be applied before bed. Nighttime products are different from daytime products, because the skin’s needs are different. During the day, skin is bombarded with wind, makeup, pollution, and...
Turning Back the Hands of Time
So caught up with skin damage control and repair above your neckline, you might forget all about the other two body parts that can give away your age if not properly cared for: YOUR HANDS. Yes, your hands. You know, the things you use to punctuate a lively story, greet people for the first time, exchange money, make a toast, break bread, hold your steering wheel, check the time, and ,well, do just about every other human function? We realize...
Still Lying About Your Age?
In her book  When You Lie About your Age, the Terrorists Win, Carol Leifer says, “At age 45, you’re only called ‘young’ if you drop dead.” While age 50 might be considered the new 40, there’s no doubt about the fact that our culture values  youth—if not the reality of youth, at least the appearance of youth. The fact is that at age 30, your skin cells go  dormant, become lazy, and slow down cellular turnover...

Winter Skin Care Survival

Winter Skin Care Survival
Thanksgiving has come and gone. With our skin starting to feel the dehydrating effects of winter winds and cold, dry air, what’s a woman to do?  Slather their skin with moisturizers, right? Wrong. A moisturizer is like “dessert” to your skin—it feels good, nice, and smooth, but does little to nothing for your skin cells that lay beneath the surface—the source of skin aging. That’s why it’s important to remember the...
Go To The Gym to Workout Your Skin
People usually workout with a very specific goal in mind: to chisel their abs, drop 15 pounds by the reunion, or just firm up for bikini season. But, when was the last time you heard someone say they were heading to the gym to clear up their acne or improve their wrinkles? Most people don’t realize that working out benefits your skin just as much as your body. As a board-certified dermatologist and the creator of ZO Skin Health, Dr. Obagi...

Skin Care Layering

Skin Care Layering
We used to get by with only 3 steps (cleanse, tone, moisturize), but that is so yesterday. But is all that layering is actually good for your skin? Well, the short answer, is that it depends. You want us to recommend FEWER steps, and we’re going to recommend MORE steps! Unfortunately, doing as you ask would not necessarily be doing you (or your skin) any favors. Some day there may be one product that cleanses, tones, activates,...
Incredible Shrinking Pores
Large pores: how can  something so small be such a big deal? Probably because enlarged pores make it difficult to have smooth, firm, tight, youthful-looking skin. Correcting large pores can be a challenge, and it’s even harder for men who tend to have larger pores and more oil glands than women. Here are a few do’s: Make sure that you use the right cleanser. Use  one designed for oily skin—look for ingredients like...

Love Your Body

Love Your Body
What do you like best about your body lotion? If your answer has anything to do with the smell of vanilla, brown sugar, lilacs, roses, tangerine, or watermelon—you’re using the wrong lotion. Dr. Zein Obagi wants you to have a long list of things you like best about your body lotion and he wants them all to do with the way they make your skin look and feel. That’s why he formulated Body Emulsion, which hydrates, firms, fades...

Water, Water Everywhere

Water, Water Everywhere
The number one ingredient in most skincare products (even the high-priced ones!) is—you guessed it—water. Water, of course, is excellent for your skin, especially if it is supplied from the food and water that you consume. Water applied to the surface has much less value. A principal ingredient in most moisturizers, water does in fact help to plump the skin, thereby helping to smooth and hydrate—but it won’t affect a real change in...

Best Facials for Acne

Best Facials for Acne
Sometimes, despite your best intentions, at-home care for acne just isn’t enough. Sometimes you need the advice and treatments of an aesthetician or a dermatologist. A facial may be a good idea, but always make sure that you’re getting the right kind of facial as some acne facials can actually make the problem worse. Here’s what to look for—and what to look out for. A good acne facial requires four steps: cleansing, exfoliation,...
Asian Skin—Part Nature, Part Nurture
Asian women are often the envy of women around the world because they tend to look younger than their chronological age. Why are they so fortunate? Asian skin generally contains more melanin, so photoaging is less visible. By avoiding sun exposure, they can maintain a more even-tone complexion and their skin is less prone to the tell-tale signs of aging—like wrinkling and sagging. What are some of the characteristics of Asian skin types?...
