
Pregnant Pores

Pregnant Pores
Pregnancy is an exciting time for every woman, but along with carrying a new life inside you, your skin, hair and nails experience many changes. It is natural to wonder what you can do about the many changes your body is going through – and what might be dangerous for your baby during these 9 months. It is well known that some ingredients in prescription medications and from topical skin care products can get absorbed into the body when...
Treat Yourself to a Spa Night In
Who doesn’t love the pampering, skin reviving benefits of a day at a luxurious spa?! Dr. Zein Obagi has recreated some of the fabulous treatments sought out by celebrities and offered at the Obagi Skin Health Institute in Beverly Hills for you at home. Send your kids and the hubs to the mall or a movie, so you can finally have some ME time. Then start by lighting a few aromatherapy candles to set the mood. Lavender is...

Pack Your Bags With ZO

Pack Your Bags With ZO
You asked for it – we listened. In time for summer vacay planning, we are excited to introduce two new Travel Packettes of Dr. Obagi’s signature complexion control pads. Just because you’re going to be chillaxing at the beach or climbing a mountain trail, or having a barbeque in your backyard, your skin doesn’t have to suffer. According to Beverly Hills Dermatologist Dr. Zein Obagi, Medical Director of ZO Skin Health, “Your skin...
