
6 Things That are Aging Your Skin
How your skin ages will depend on many factors, some of which you have control over and some of which you don’t. For starters, aging is partly hereditary; that is, your genes help to determine whether your upper eyelids will sag in your 30s or stay perky well into your 50s, etc. Among the factors that contribute to wrinkled, damaged skin include normal aging and the inevitable breakdown of fatty tissue that supports your skin and muscle,...

The Benefits of Retinol

The Benefits of Retinol
We are constantly being bombarded with glossy ads and wild claims about products that will “reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles,” and “rejuvenate sun damaged skin,” and “take years off your skin.” It is enough to give you more wrinkles, just trying to figure it all out and sort through the hype. Dr. Obagi is a huge proponent of using retinol in your daily skincare regimen. “To evaluate whether an ingredient or...
