
The M Word

The M Word
Menopause is a word most women would rather not ever hear. But sadly, it can start in your 30s and last til your 60s in some cases. Among the many changes that women experience during this time are those affecting the skin, and unfortunately it’s not great news. Menopausal Skin Changes Dry skin as oil glands become less active Skin thinning Decrease in collagen and elastin Loss of facial volume Deepening of wrinkles and folds...
Eat Your Way to More Beautiful Skin
The best healthy-skin plan encompasses a solid daily skin care approach, lifestyle, and diet, so it’s no surprise that good eating habits—or lack thereof—can affect the health and appearance of your skin. Certain foods go above and beyond, offering antioxidant benefits that cannot be achieved through skin care alone. “More studies are finding links between certain nutrients and wrinkle reduction, radiance, and acne prevention,”...
