dry skin

Skin Care in Your 20s

Skin Care in Your 20s
Your 20s is the time to set up a good foundation for basic skin care and age prevention. In your 20s, your skin is still building enough collagen to keep it supple and resilient. Breakouts are often the biggest concern, especially caused by stress, hormonal flux, late nights out, and general bad habits. Start by using the right cleanser for your skin type, twice daily. If your skin is normal, a gentle cleanser will do the trick while not drying...

The M Word

The M Word
Menopause is a word most women would rather not ever hear. But sadly, it can start in your 30s and last til your 60s in some cases. Among the many changes that women experience during this time are those affecting the skin, and unfortunately it’s not great news. Menopausal Skin Changes Dry skin as oil glands become less active Skin thinning Decrease in collagen and elastin Loss of facial volume Deepening of wrinkles and folds...

What is Healthy Skin?

What is Healthy Skin?
Dr. Zein Obagi first introduced the definition of skin health in 1983 and expanded it in 2008. His definition provides specific, easily recognized physiological, histological, and clinical attributes that can be represented by the skin of a baby as a model for healthy skin. According to the author, skin treatments must correct any abnormality in skin health that deviates from the definition so that it attains the desirable...

First Signs of Spring

First Signs of Spring
The first day of Spring is finally in our sights. In many parts of the country, the first sign of tulips and green leaves on the trees with birds chirping will bring a welcome relief from a cold, harsh winter. And the anticipation of spring making its way is also a reminder that it’s time to step up your skin care regimen as the seasons are changing. Springtime will naturally be about spending time outdoors, running, jogging, playing sports...
6 Things That are Aging Your Skin
How your skin ages will depend on many factors, some of which you have control over and some of which you don’t. For starters, aging is partly hereditary; that is, your genes help to determine whether your upper eyelids will sag in your 30s or stay perky well into your 50s, etc. Among the factors that contribute to wrinkled, damaged skin include normal aging and the inevitable breakdown of fatty tissue that supports your skin and muscle,...

For Your Eyes Only

For Your Eyes Only
The skin around the eyelids is the thinnest on the body, and therefore, more delicate and subject to daily damage from UV exposure. By starting to use a protective eye cream as early as in your 20s, you can effectively help delay the visible signs of aging. A good eye cream, depending on the active ingredients, can keep eyelid skin hydrated and smooth. Laguna, California plastic surgeon Dr. Aaron Kousins recommends ZO® Medical...
6 Healthy Skin Solutions for a New Year, New Glow
Have you noticed that you tend to look older during hectic times of year? Stress can show up as wrinkles, sagging, dryness, and even rosacea and acne breakouts. Stress increases the production of hormones that damage collagen and elastin. Too much stress also takes some of the joy out of life–so you’re more likely to frown or scowl, which also induces wrinkles. What’s the answer? Take good care of yourself, exercise, and try to get enough...
Caring For Dry Winter Skin
Winter weather takes a beating on the skin, leaving  it flaky, red, and rough. Severely dry skin- also known as xerosis- can show up on your arms, hands, lower legs, ankles and even your scalp.  Excessive sun exposure, bathing,  or use of harsh soaps, detergents or chemicals can also trigger dry skin. Making a few simple changes in your daily skin care regimen and lifestyle can help you to overcome severely dry skin. Keep baths...
Taking Care of Your Dry Skin
Winter weather takes a beating on skin, leaving your skin flaky, red, and rough. These are indications of dry skin that show up on your arms, hands, lower legs, and ankles. Making a few changes in your daily skin regimen can help beat dry skin. When taking a bath or shower, try to keep it short. Hot water strips the essential oils from your skin, drying out your skin. Limit yourself to a single 5- or 10-miute warm shower or bath. When you’re...

Are You in Hot Water?

Are You in Hot Water?
You already know that it’s best to stay away from proverbial hot water. But when it comes to your skin, it’s best to stay out of the real stuff, too. Long showers, especially during the cold winter months, dehydrate the skin, causing not only a loss of water, but also electrolytes. When your skin is dehydrated, it becomes scaly, taut, irritated—and makes you look older. So let’s face the facts and see how best to protect your skin....
