
Get Smart About Fillers

Get Smart About Fillers
If you’re in your 40s or 50s, chances are you’ve noticed some vertical lines in your face—not wrinkles, but loss of volume. To the rescue: facial fillers. There are several on the market now, some of which you’ve probably heard about. But which one is right for you? Your doctor may be the best judge of that, but here are some things that you should know. After you have lost collagen and elastin, fillers help the dermis return to a more...
Take Good Care of Yourself
If you’re concerned about wrinkles, and you know you can’t expect to solve all of your problems overnight, where do you start? Should you avoid sunshine and UV damage, reduce stress, change your diet, quit smoking and/or drinking, use better (or more!) skincare products, eat foods rich in anti-oxidants, take nutriceuticals, stay hydrated, exercise, have more facials? Taking good care of your skin isn’t your only priority, so let’s...
