omega 3

Good Hair Days Ahead

Good Hair Days Ahead
A full head of healthy, shiny hair is a very coveted thing. Stress, genetics, vitamin deficiencies, styling damage, and chemical processing can all contribute to hair thinning over time in women and men.  On average, we lose 50-100 hairs day, which is part of the natural growth cycle. However, if you start seeing more hairs on your pillow, in the bathroom sink, or in your brush, hair loss may be a bigger problem. Making some simple changes...
Take Good Care of Yourself
If you’re concerned about wrinkles, and you know you can’t expect to solve all of your problems overnight, where do you start? Should you avoid sunshine and UV damage, reduce stress, change your diet, quit smoking and/or drinking, use better (or more!) skincare products, eat foods rich in anti-oxidants, take nutriceuticals, stay hydrated, exercise, have more facials? Taking good care of your skin isn’t your only priority, so let’s...
