
Back to School With Clear Skin
College is calling your name – and unfortunately, so are stress, sleepless nights, partying, and forgetting about your good skin habits. What comes next? Acne breakouts, pimples, blackheads and more, of course. Stay calm and carry on. ZO Skin Health has solutions that are easy and simple enough even for an overscheduled student to stick with. Acne may be caused by genetics or hormones, and usually it’s a combination of multiple...
How To Wash Your Face The Right Way
Cleansing should be the simplest part of your daily skin care routine. But, you may not realize that some all too common bad habits can cause a whole list of skin problems, including dry patches, irritation, oiliness, redness, clogged pores, and breakouts. Cleansing before you go to bed is an essential part of keeping your skin healthy. During the day the oils on your skin oxidize, which collects dirt and debris on cells from pollutants,...

Skin Care in Your 30s

Skin Care in Your 30s
The thirties are the time when your skin starts to show visible signs of aging. At around age 35, cells get lazy and slow down so they don’t turnover as easily without a little help. Fine lines and wrinkles appear, and skin tone becomes more uneven from daily UV exposure, even if you are diligent about wearing your SPF. Brown spots and wrinkles start to develop, especially for smokers and sun worshippers, and those who have not taken good care...

Skin Care in Your 20s

Skin Care in Your 20s
Your 20s is the time to set up a good foundation for basic skin care and age prevention. In your 20s, your skin is still building enough collagen to keep it supple and resilient. Breakouts are often the biggest concern, especially caused by stress, hormonal flux, late nights out, and general bad habits. Start by using the right cleanser for your skin type, twice daily. If your skin is normal, a gentle cleanser will do the trick while not drying...

Pack Your Bags With ZO

Pack Your Bags With ZO
You asked for it – we listened. In time for summer vacay planning, we are excited to introduce two new Travel Packettes of Dr. Obagi’s signature complexion control pads. Just because you’re going to be chillaxing at the beach or climbing a mountain trail, or having a barbeque in your backyard, your skin doesn’t have to suffer. According to Beverly Hills Dermatologist Dr. Zein Obagi, Medical Director of ZO Skin Health, “Your skin...

The Redness of Rosacea

The Redness of Rosacea
Picture this. Your face flushes for no reason and without notice. Your cheeks often look ruddy and you can see tiny spider veins. You sometimes have breakouts in those areas too. You get flare-ups sometimes after eating spicy foods, drinking alcohol, and when the weather get hot and humid. If this sounds familiar, you could be suffering from Rosacea. April is Rosacea Awareness Month, which calls out the symptoms of Rosacea to make people...
Operation: Banish Blackheads
Blackheads are an accumulation of oil and oxidized dead skin cells, which is why they appear black in color. They form in hair follicles where sebum and dead skin collect. Whiteheads are similar clogs, but the oil and dead skin cells do not touch the air, so they appear white. Along with pimples, blackheads and whiteheads are the typical symptoms of acne. As Dr. Zein Obagi says, “The first line of defense against blackheads is to use a good...
Care for Oily, Acne-Prone Skin
Adult acne is no different from juvenile acne; and it should be treated the same way. Acne may be  attributed to genetics or hormonal imbalance. Contributing factors, or acne triggers, include lifestyle choices such as diet, sleep pattern, hygiene, and stress. When skin does not exfoliate as it should, dead cells build up on the skin surface and inside the  pore. Dead cells mix with trapped oil and pores become clogged, resulting in...
Stress Reduction Strategies
Have you noticed that people are looking older these days? Could be that they’re not getting their BOTOX injections as frequently, or it could just be that they’re under a lot of stress—which shows up on the face as wrinkles, skin laxity, rosacea, inflammation and acne. “The problem,” Dr. Zein Obagi says, “is that stress increases the production of hormones that damage collagen and elastin.” Too much stress also takes the joy out...
