
The Redness of Rosacea

The Redness of Rosacea
Picture this. Your face flushes for no reason and without notice. Your cheeks often look ruddy and you can see tiny spider veins. You sometimes have breakouts in those areas too. You get flare-ups sometimes after eating spicy foods, drinking alcohol, and when the weather get hot and humid. If this sounds familiar, you could be suffering from Rosacea. April is Rosacea Awareness Month, which calls out the symptoms of Rosacea to make people...
6 Healthy Skin Solutions for a New Year, New Glow
Have you noticed that you tend to look older during hectic times of year? Stress can show up as wrinkles, sagging, dryness, and even rosacea and acne breakouts. Stress increases the production of hormones that damage collagen and elastin. Too much stress also takes some of the joy out of life–so you’re more likely to frown or scowl, which also induces wrinkles. What’s the answer? Take good care of yourself, exercise, and try to get enough...
Coping with the Redness of Rosacea
Rosacea is a common but largely misunderstood inflammatory skin condition that affects more than 16 million Americans, according to the National Rosacea Association. Early symptoms include flushing and persistent redness, but for more severe cases, redness, pustules, and thickened rough skin can play havoc with one’s self esteem and confidence. Rosacea outbreaks come and go in a cyclic manner, and flare-ups may last for weeks to months and...
Under A Lot of Stress? It Shows On Your Skin
Stress. There’s just no getting away from it. And all that stress shows—in fact, it’s written all over your face. Problem: Chronic stress triggers a hormone called cortisol, which reduces the ability of the skin to retain water. The result: a dull, dry complexion. Solutions: Although it seems counter-intuitive, reduce the amount or frequency of moisturizer. It causes your skin to stop collecting water from the food and water that...
Stress Reduction Strategies
Have you noticed that people are looking older these days? Could be that they’re not getting their BOTOX injections as frequently, or it could just be that they’re under a lot of stress—which shows up on the face as wrinkles, skin laxity, rosacea, inflammation and acne. “The problem,” Dr. Zein Obagi says, “is that stress increases the production of hormones that damage collagen and elastin.” Too much stress also takes the joy out...
Making Changes to Your Skin
By removing the top layers of dead skin cells and activating the lower dermis (where all the action is), the texture, tone, and firmness of your skin can change. If your products and treatments only work on the surface, all you will get is a temporary cosmetic effect and no real change. Think of the top layers of your skin as a dried sponge: if you get it wet, it will soften and plump; if you leave the sponge out on the counter, it will just dry...
So You Think You Have Sensitive Skin?
Dr. Zein Obagi doesn’t believe in sensitive skin. He believes that skin needs to be strengthened by using the right skin care regimen to restore it to optimal health. Classic symptoms of so-called sensitive skin include: diffuse redness and irritation, especially in the T-zone tingling, tightening, dryness, and flakiness reaction or discomfort to procedures or products—shaving, waxing, cosmetics blotchiness, swelling, edema, which...
