skincare ingedients

Back to School With Clear Skin
College is calling your name – and unfortunately, so are stress, sleepless nights, partying, and forgetting about your good skin habits. What comes next? Acne breakouts, pimples, blackheads and more, of course. Stay calm and carry on. ZO Skin Health has solutions that are easy and simple enough even for an overscheduled student to stick with. Acne may be caused by genetics or hormones, and usually it’s a combination of multiple...

Hold The Zinc Please

Hold The Zinc Please
Remember when the idea of wearing sunscreen used to mean pasty white globs of thick creams on your nose? That was zinc oxide, which is why most people skipped the sunscreen in the early days. Among the individual sunscreen ingredients approved by the FDA, there are chemical and physical sunscreens.  To be effective, chemical sunscreens need to be rubbed into the skin for about 20 minutes before sun exposure. They do a good job at blocking...

The M Word

The M Word
Menopause is a word most women would rather not ever hear. But sadly, it can start in your 30s and last til your 60s in some cases. Among the many changes that women experience during this time are those affecting the skin, and unfortunately it’s not great news. Menopausal Skin Changes Dry skin as oil glands become less active Skin thinning Decrease in collagen and elastin Loss of facial volume Deepening of wrinkles and folds...

The Redness of Rosacea

The Redness of Rosacea
Picture this. Your face flushes for no reason and without notice. Your cheeks often look ruddy and you can see tiny spider veins. You sometimes have breakouts in those areas too. You get flare-ups sometimes after eating spicy foods, drinking alcohol, and when the weather get hot and humid. If this sounds familiar, you could be suffering from Rosacea. April is Rosacea Awareness Month, which calls out the symptoms of Rosacea to make people...
Pre-Valentine’s Day Lip Shape Up
With Valentine’s almost here, luscious lips are taking center stage. The first thing you should be mindful of is preventing and restoring healthy, soft lips. Cold weather and sun exposure are the major culprits when lips get dehydrated.  Cool air, reduced humidity and wind can leave the thin lip skin with deep cracks. When lips get dry and uncomfortable from moisture loss, chapping and painful cracking and peeling are not far behind. The...
