skin care

Back to School With Clear Skin
College is calling your name – and unfortunately, so are stress, sleepless nights, partying, and forgetting about your good skin habits. What comes next? Acne breakouts, pimples, blackheads and more, of course. Stay calm and carry on. ZO Skin Health has solutions that are easy and simple enough even for an overscheduled student to stick with. Acne may be caused by genetics or hormones, and usually it’s a combination of multiple...
The Skin Health Benefits of Vitamin C
Vitamin C provides potent antioxidant protection from free radical damage that causes premature aging. The most dangerous environmental factors for skin are sun, pollution and oxygen that compromise your skin’s health every day. The benefits of vitamin C include the benefits of vitamin C may include protection against immune system deficiencies, heart disease, eye disease, stress reduction, wards off colds, improves bones and teeth, and much...

The Brightening Brigade

The Brightening Brigade
Although prescription hydroquinone is still considered the gold standard in skin lightening by many physicians and skincare professionals, Beverly Hills Dermatologist Dr. Zein Obagi warns that it comes at a price. It fades many spots when used consistently and blocks the enzyme needed for creating new ones. Paired with a prescription retinoid or potent retinol, it can begin to lighten dark spots in four to six weeks, sometimes sooner....
The Anatomy of Dark Circles
The skin around your eyes is the thinnest on the body, which accounts for why it is so prone to environmental abuse and the effects of stress and sun exposure. The skin around the eyes is one of the first places signs of aging like crow’s feet, crepey skin, puffiness and dark circles. The area around the lower eyelids is also prone to dryness because it is so thin, which can make fine lines and wrinkles appear earlier and become more visible...

Skin Care in Your 30s

Skin Care in Your 30s
The thirties are the time when your skin starts to show visible signs of aging. At around age 35, cells get lazy and slow down so they don’t turnover as easily without a little help. Fine lines and wrinkles appear, and skin tone becomes more uneven from daily UV exposure, even if you are diligent about wearing your SPF. Brown spots and wrinkles start to develop, especially for smokers and sun worshippers, and those who have not taken good care...

Beautiful Bride Bootcamp

Beautiful Bride Bootcamp
You found the perfect dress, but there’s still so much do before you walk down the aisle and say “I do.” Your big day is coming and it will be all eyes on you. So how can you make sure that your skin is ready for prime time? Start six weeks ahead on an intensive skin care regimen to purge pores, smooth lines and creases, and reverse pigmentation for a flawless look. Try this simple and effective home regimen to look positively...

Ditch the Dark Spots

Ditch the Dark Spots
Discoloration is a fact of life. The sooner you see dark spots and brown patches has a lot to do with heredity and lifestyle, but by a certain age, we all get some. There are several factors that cause skin to become darker (hyperpigmentation), starting with an increase in melanin, the substance which regulates pigment. Primarily, hyperpigmentation is caused by exposure to the damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun. But dark spots can also...

Skin Care in Your 20s

Skin Care in Your 20s
Your 20s is the time to set up a good foundation for basic skin care and age prevention. In your 20s, your skin is still building enough collagen to keep it supple and resilient. Breakouts are often the biggest concern, especially caused by stress, hormonal flux, late nights out, and general bad habits. Start by using the right cleanser for your skin type, twice daily. If your skin is normal, a gentle cleanser will do the trick while not drying...

Pack Your Bags With ZO

Pack Your Bags With ZO
You asked for it – we listened. In time for summer vacay planning, we are excited to introduce two new Travel Packettes of Dr. Obagi’s signature complexion control pads. Just because you’re going to be chillaxing at the beach or climbing a mountain trail, or having a barbeque in your backyard, your skin doesn’t have to suffer. According to Beverly Hills Dermatologist Dr. Zein Obagi, Medical Director of ZO Skin Health, “Your skin...

The Redness of Rosacea

The Redness of Rosacea
Picture this. Your face flushes for no reason and without notice. Your cheeks often look ruddy and you can see tiny spider veins. You sometimes have breakouts in those areas too. You get flare-ups sometimes after eating spicy foods, drinking alcohol, and when the weather get hot and humid. If this sounds familiar, you could be suffering from Rosacea. April is Rosacea Awareness Month, which calls out the symptoms of Rosacea to make people...
Hydroquinone-Free Products Reign Supreme
According to leading cosmetics industry market research firm Kline & Company, “While hydroquinone (HQ) has been the gold standard ingredient in the physician dispense arena for the treatment of hyperpigmentation, this ingredient is surrounded with controversy due to some of its reported side effects. Europe has banned HQ in concentrations greater than 1% and in the United States it has been banned from five states – New York,...

First Signs of Spring

First Signs of Spring
The first day of Spring is finally in our sights. In many parts of the country, the first sign of tulips and green leaves on the trees with birds chirping will bring a welcome relief from a cold, harsh winter. And the anticipation of spring making its way is also a reminder that it’s time to step up your skin care regimen as the seasons are changing. Springtime will naturally be about spending time outdoors, running, jogging, playing sports...
Alpha Arbutin – A NEW Retinol Alternative
The ZO Medical range was specifically developed as an intensive daily skincare program that slows down premature aging and skin damage, and helps to maintain healthy skin for the long term. One of the newest additions to the ZO Medical roster is OSSENTIAL® Brightalive Non Retinol Skin Brightener. What makes Brightalive so unique is that it is a highly effective skin brightening formula without containing hydroquinone or retinol....
6 Things That are Aging Your Skin
How your skin ages will depend on many factors, some of which you have control over and some of which you don’t. For starters, aging is partly hereditary; that is, your genes help to determine whether your upper eyelids will sag in your 30s or stay perky well into your 50s, etc. Among the factors that contribute to wrinkled, damaged skin include normal aging and the inevitable breakdown of fatty tissue that supports your skin and muscle,...
Get Your Own Copy of Dr. Obagi’s New Skin Care Bible
Dr. Zein Obagi’s original textbook was heralded as a bestseller around the world. Years in the making, his second edition is a comprehensive overview of his renowned skin care regimens and features the cutting edge skin changing techniques that are followed by physicians and skin care professionals in over 80 countries. In The Art of Skin Health Restoration and Rejuvenation: The Science of Clinical Practice, Second Edition (CRC...
Getting Skin Ready – 3 Steps to Gorgeous
The perefect first step in your skin care protocol is the ZO® GSR™: Getting Skin Ready system. It was designed to help you optimize the effectiveness of your ZO® treatment program. This basic system includes 3 key products; a cleanser, scrub and our best selling oil control pads, that work synergistically for maximum results.  You’re just 3 steps away from gorgeous skin! STEP 1: CLEANSE Offects® Exfoliating Cleanser This...
Lush Lashes with Ossential Lash Enhancing Serum
What happens to your eye lashes over time? According to Connecticut plastic surgeon Rick Rosen, “Thinning eyelashes unfortunately come with age. If your lashes seem to have lost some fullness and length, this is a pretty normal occurrence.  Eyelash growth happens in four stages: growth, resting, shedding and re-growth, just like your hair cycles through stages. With age, the eyelash follicles start to slow down and in some cases,...
6 Healthy Skin Solutions for a New Year, New Glow
Have you noticed that you tend to look older during hectic times of year? Stress can show up as wrinkles, sagging, dryness, and even rosacea and acne breakouts. Stress increases the production of hormones that damage collagen and elastin. Too much stress also takes some of the joy out of life–so you’re more likely to frown or scowl, which also induces wrinkles. What’s the answer? Take good care of yourself, exercise, and try to get enough...
Radical Night Repair – Now Even Better
When it comes to anti-aging skin care, technology is the driver of beauty breakthroughs. Some of the most important categories of ingredients for anti-aging used today include; DNA repair enzymes, plant stem cells, growth factors, retinol, and peptides. Retinol has long been considered a hero anti-aging ingredient because it triggers natural skin hydration from deep within, by upregulating extracellular matrix production (collagen-1,...

Name Your Skin Type

Name Your Skin Type
Before jumping into a skin care program or having an aesthetic procedure like a peel or laser treatment, you need to know your skin type. Typically, physicians use the Fitzpatrick skin typing system to categorize skin tone on a continuum from very fair (type I) to very dark (type VI). But Dr. Zein Obagi believes this system doesn’t provide all of the necessary information for predicting how your skin will react to a specific treatment. For...

Humidity and Your Skin

Humidity and Your Skin
It’s been said that women don’t perspire, they glow. And when it’s humid outside, that glow gets ever so much stronger. But humidity is not all about streaked makeup and damp brows. Here is the 411 on humidity: the good, the bad, the glow, and the oil. The good: If you suffer from dry skin or eczema, your skin may find great relief during the humid summer months. The dampness in the air will help skin retain moisture and redness and...

Battle of the Blemish

Battle of the Blemish
Acne can mar a beautiful complexion at almost any age. Most prevalent in teens and young adults, it can plague women well into their 50s. The causes of acne may include genetics, hormones, excess oil production, diet, sleeping habits, hygiene, and stress. Therefore a successful acne treatment needs to be customized to your specific kind of acne condition. “Drug store and prescription treatments that claim to treat acne can actually perpetuate...

The Benefits of Retinol

The Benefits of Retinol
We are constantly being bombarded with glossy ads and wild claims about products that will “reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles,” and “rejuvenate sun damaged skin,” and “take years off your skin.” It is enough to give you more wrinkles, just trying to figure it all out and sort through the hype. Dr. Obagi is a huge proponent of using retinol in your daily skincare regimen. “To evaluate whether an ingredient or...
Under A Lot of Stress? It Shows On Your Skin
Stress. There’s just no getting away from it. And all that stress shows—in fact, it’s written all over your face. Problem: Chronic stress triggers a hormone called cortisol, which reduces the ability of the skin to retain water. The result: a dull, dry complexion. Solutions: Although it seems counter-intuitive, reduce the amount or frequency of moisturizer. It causes your skin to stop collecting water from the food and water that...
You Multitask – So Should Your Skincare
If you know how to do five things at once, most business professionals would refer to you as a fine multitasker. You know that to get everything you want out of life, multitasking isn’t a choice, but a requirement. The same can be said for your skincare: to get everything you want for your skin, your products simply must multitask. If anyone can appreciate this concept, it’s you—today’s modern woman. That’s why Dr. Obagi created...
Skincare Spending Priorities
We all have our spending priorities. We all have things in our life that, to us, justify reaching a little deeper into our pockets. So what are your spending priorities where skincare is concerned? Are you getting the most bang for your buck? For instance, the ZO Skin Health DNA Kit is a go-to recommendation for newcomers to the brand. Why? It’s the best way to familiarize them with all that ZO can do for them—and it stretches...

The Battle of The Sexes

The Battle of The Sexes
When it comes to fighting aging, men win. If you’re thinking, “it’s just not fair,” you’re probably right. It’s a double-whammy. We already suspected that men find it easier, and quicker, to lose unwanted pounds. But we now know that women also age faster than men, meaning their skin loses collagen and elastin at a faster rate—and at an earlier age—than men. This helps explain why women spend more time and more money on...
Winter Skin Woes: Chicken Skin
Its nickname is “chicken skin,” but the formal name is keratosis pilaris. Whatever you call it—it isn’t easily corrected, and treatment can last for  six months. It appears as little red bumps on the back of the upper arms, the thighs, torso, and/or derriere, and frequently affects people with eczema or asthma. This condition has a genetic component, and is caused by hot showers, loofahs, and abrasive scrubs, and can be...
Radical Night Repair – The Wrinkle Solver
When it comes to anti-aging, Dr. Obagi doesn’t mess around. Case in point, ZO Skin Health’s Radical Night Repair Plus. Typical drug store retinol products contain clinically insignificant amounts of retinol. Minuscule, in fact. Why? Because retinol is difficult to formulate with, and because when used in high concentrations, it’s extremely potent. So rather than produce a lotion or cream that really works, manufacturers put in just a...

How To Stay Cool

How To Stay Cool
If you live in an area where the temperature is starting to soar, your skin is under stress and duress. Dry skin, eczema, acne-prone skin, and sensitive skin are all especially problematic. Here’s what Dr. Obagi recommends to get through the summer heat. Sweating is your body’s way of regulating temperature. Wear fabrics that allow your skin to breathe properly, like linen and cotton. Spandex, lycra, and other such fabrics are comfortable,...
All Cleansers Are Not The Same
There are a wide range of ingredients used to formulate facial cleansers, so it is important to understand how cleansers work. Facial cleansers function in three basic ways: To remove surface debris, make-up and oil. To dissolve the bonds that hold dead skin cells to the surface of the skin. To prepare the skin to better absorb treatment and moisturizing products. Most drug-store cleansers remove surface dirt and oil, but...
Retinol for Sensitive Skin
Many people think that sensitive skin means that they have delicate or fine skin. In reality, sensitive skin is weak skin. No one is born with sensitive skin. Rather, skin becomes lazy from the use of too much moisturizer, and intolerant from the use of products with perfumes, dyes, and additives. In order to successfully treat symptoms—redness, itching, and bumps—we have to improve overall skin quality and reduce the reactive nature of...
The Great Skin Care Conspiracy
Sometimes the odds of getting a good product are bad when it comes to skin care. The creams and lotions that claim to clear, lift, firm, tighten, and correct your complexion don’t always do what they say they’re going to. Less than 50% of the products you put on your face actually help you look younger. And even fewer than that are worth what you pay for them. Why are skin care products so confusing? And why is there so little brand loyalty?...
Stress Reduction Strategies
Have you noticed that people are looking older these days? Could be that they’re not getting their BOTOX injections as frequently, or it could just be that they’re under a lot of stress—which shows up on the face as wrinkles, skin laxity, rosacea, inflammation and acne. “The problem,” Dr. Zein Obagi says, “is that stress increases the production of hormones that damage collagen and elastin.” Too much stress also takes the joy out...
Making Changes to Your Skin
By removing the top layers of dead skin cells and activating the lower dermis (where all the action is), the texture, tone, and firmness of your skin can change. If your products and treatments only work on the surface, all you will get is a temporary cosmetic effect and no real change. Think of the top layers of your skin as a dried sponge: if you get it wet, it will soften and plump; if you leave the sponge out on the counter, it will just dry...
Preparing Your Skin for Spring
The story goes that if world-famous groundhog Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, we’re in for six more weeks of winter. At the beginning of the month, there was no shadow in sight, and Phil says we can look forward to an early spring. That means it’s almost time to store the sweaters, pull out the beach towels, and put the top down. But what are you doing to get your skin ready? According to Dr. Zein Obagi, it takes hard work to get great...
Get Into the Swing of Good Skin Care
It’s easy to spend a ton of money on skin care products, only to find that you’ve left them in a drawer or your bathroom cabinet. It’s also easy to waste money on skincare products that are not right for your skin type, or just don’t live up to the hype. Your success with a skincare regimen depends not only on the products, but on your discipline (a cleanser and a moisturizer are not enough!), your patience (wash your face for two...
This Valentine’s Day, Go for the Wine and Chocolates
For Valentine’s Day this year, skip the hearts and flowers; go straight for the wine and chocolate - they’re rich in  anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants help prevent the  damage caused by free radicals, and also help skin tolerate UV exposure and environmental pollutants. But not all wine and not all chocolate are equally good, so make sure that you get the right stuff. Chocolate - it’s good for you, so indulge a little! Dark...

Winter Skin Care Survival

Winter Skin Care Survival
Thanksgiving has come and gone. With our skin starting to feel the dehydrating effects of winter winds and cold, dry air, what’s a woman to do?  Slather their skin with moisturizers, right? Wrong. A moisturizer is like “dessert” to your skin—it feels good, nice, and smooth, but does little to nothing for your skin cells that lay beneath the surface—the source of skin aging. That’s why it’s important to remember the...
Key Ingredients To Look For
When you get serious about skincare, ingredients become priority number one.  As a formulator, that is the way Dr. Obagi develops his products. He don’t have time to waste on the ineffective skincare, and neither do you. But we often hear women say that they just don’t know which ingredients are the real deal. Let’s start with the anti-oxidants. They protect your skin cells from UV damage, pollution, and free radicals. The most common...

Love Your Body

Love Your Body
What do you like best about your body lotion? If your answer has anything to do with the smell of vanilla, brown sugar, lilacs, roses, tangerine, or watermelon—you’re using the wrong lotion. Dr. Zein Obagi wants you to have a long list of things you like best about your body lotion and he wants them all to do with the way they make your skin look and feel. That’s why he formulated Body Emulsion, which hydrates, firms, fades...

Are You in Hot Water?

Are You in Hot Water?
You already know that it’s best to stay away from proverbial hot water. But when it comes to your skin, it’s best to stay out of the real stuff, too. Long showers, especially during the cold winter months, dehydrate the skin, causing not only a loss of water, but also electrolytes. When your skin is dehydrated, it becomes scaly, taut, irritated—and makes you look older. So let’s face the facts and see how best to protect your skin....
So You Think You Have Sensitive Skin?
Dr. Zein Obagi doesn’t believe in sensitive skin. He believes that skin needs to be strengthened by using the right skin care regimen to restore it to optimal health. Classic symptoms of so-called sensitive skin include: diffuse redness and irritation, especially in the T-zone tingling, tightening, dryness, and flakiness reaction or discomfort to procedures or products—shaving, waxing, cosmetics blotchiness, swelling, edema, which...
