Its nickname is “chicken skin,” but the formal name is keratosis pilaris. Whatever you call it—it isn’t easily corrected, and treatment can last for six months. It appears as little red bumps on the back of the upper arms, the thighs, torso, and/or derriere, and frequently affects people with eczema or asthma. This condition has a genetic component, and is caused by hot showers, loofahs, and abrasive scrubs, and can be exacerabated by cold, dry winter air.
But the real culprit is a protein in the skin (called keratin) that plugs the hair follicles.
Depending on the severity, there are several courses of treatment. ZO Skin Health’s Body Emulsion (which contains an ultra-high concentration of lactic acid) should be applied to the affected areas. It’s both an emollient and humectant, so it softens and smoothes the skin, while also exfoliating. Apply it after showering, while the skin is still damp, and then 2-3 more times throughout the day. For many people, this treatment alone will suffice. In combination with this product, you may want to consider having an aesthetician perform microdermabrasion.
If you don’t see improvement after several weeks, see a dermatologist, who may recommend a light peel of retinoic acid and TCA, or low dose prescription retinoids.
First, though, try to treat keratosis pilaris without prescription drugs—ZO Skin Health Body Emulsion should be your first option.