Sunscreens used to be the darling of dermatologists everywhere. Now it seems the love affair is over. People don’t use them as often as necessary and don’t reapply them as frequently as they should. We don’t blame the consumers—the problem is with the sunscreens themselves.
According to one leading consumer protection agency, 80% of sunscreens offer inadequate protection, make claims that are false and misleading, or cause accelerated aging. Some of the biggest brands are developing and selling sunscreens that, according to the Environmental Working Group, not only fail, but fail miserably.
So are you safe from a sunburn? Maybe. Sometimes you won’t know for years that the sunscreen that you trusted was inadequate. Don’t get burned!
Here’s what to look out for:
Moisturizers that contain SPF
The problem isn’t the sunscreen, it’s the moisturizer. Moisturizers can make skin cells lazy, causing cellular function to slow, and inducing premature lines, wrinkles, and age spots.
Many physical sunblocks create a white cast. Instead of looking like you have a tan, you look like a friendly ghost.
Over-promising and under-delivering
Don’t believe claims like “all day protection” and “waterproof”—if you’re concerned about wrinkles, you’re old enough to know better. When you’re outdoors, sunscreen should be reapplied frequently and liberally.
SPFs higher than 30
They give people a false sense of security. For example, an SPF60 only offers about 3% more protection than an SPF30.
Here’s what to look for:
Nature’s best photo-protective agent
ZO’s Oclipse SPF 30 Sunscreen contains all-natural melanin—nature’s best photo-protective agent—as well as two of the best sunblocks: zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.
A healthy tint and primer
Eliminate the ghosting effect, and give your skin a natural, healthy glow.
UVA Protection
One out of every 7 sunscreens does not protect against UVA radiation. Blame it on Uncle Sam! The FDA has not finalized sunscreen safety standards that they drafted more than 30 years ago!
A healthy habit
The biggest problem with sunscreens is that people don’t wear them every day. Oclipse is quite possibly the first sunscreen that people love to wear.
It’s almost May, which is Skin Cancer Awareness Month. Now is a great time to start a new and healthy habit that lasts all year long.