dr zein obagi

Back to School With Clear Skin
College is calling your name – and unfortunately, so are stress, sleepless nights, partying, and forgetting about your good skin habits. What comes next? Acne breakouts, pimples, blackheads and more, of course. Stay calm and carry on. ZO Skin Health has solutions that are easy and simple enough even for an overscheduled student to stick with. Acne may be caused by genetics or hormones, and usually it’s a combination of multiple...

Hold The Zinc Please

Hold The Zinc Please
Remember when the idea of wearing sunscreen used to mean pasty white globs of thick creams on your nose? That was zinc oxide, which is why most people skipped the sunscreen in the early days. Among the individual sunscreen ingredients approved by the FDA, there are chemical and physical sunscreens.  To be effective, chemical sunscreens need to be rubbed into the skin for about 20 minutes before sun exposure. They do a good job at blocking...

Skin Cancer Detection

Skin Cancer Detection
There are three main types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and malignant melanoma. Melanoma is the most severe form of skin cancer, as it can spread quickly throughout the body if not treated at an early stage. The good news is that early detection is the best defense against deadly skin cancers. Regular check ups and screenings every 6-12 months with your Dermatologist can literally be life-saving. Consult with...
The Skin Health Benefits of Vitamin C
Vitamin C provides potent antioxidant protection from free radical damage that causes premature aging. The most dangerous environmental factors for skin are sun, pollution and oxygen that compromise your skin’s health every day. The benefits of vitamin C include the benefits of vitamin C may include protection against immune system deficiencies, heart disease, eye disease, stress reduction, wards off colds, improves bones and teeth, and much...
Introducing ZO Skin Centres
ZO Skin Centres is the newest brainchild of Dr. Zein Obagi, and the flagship location opened in June 2015 at the posh Fashion Island in Newport Beach, California. Clients can stop by for a rejuvenating ZO peel, have a bit of BOTOX for your crow’s feet or Juvederm in your lips. You can even schedule a Coolsculpting session to freeze the fat on your tummy, all in the privacy and convenience of a modern pampering setting. Dr. Obagi has...

The Brightening Brigade

The Brightening Brigade
Although prescription hydroquinone is still considered the gold standard in skin lightening by many physicians and skincare professionals, Beverly Hills Dermatologist Dr. Zein Obagi warns that it comes at a price. It fades many spots when used consistently and blocks the enzyme needed for creating new ones. Paired with a prescription retinoid or potent retinol, it can begin to lighten dark spots in four to six weeks, sometimes sooner....

Skin Care in Your 30s

Skin Care in Your 30s
The thirties are the time when your skin starts to show visible signs of aging. At around age 35, cells get lazy and slow down so they don’t turnover as easily without a little help. Fine lines and wrinkles appear, and skin tone becomes more uneven from daily UV exposure, even if you are diligent about wearing your SPF. Brown spots and wrinkles start to develop, especially for smokers and sun worshippers, and those who have not taken good care...

Ditch the Dark Spots

Ditch the Dark Spots
Discoloration is a fact of life. The sooner you see dark spots and brown patches has a lot to do with heredity and lifestyle, but by a certain age, we all get some. There are several factors that cause skin to become darker (hyperpigmentation), starting with an increase in melanin, the substance which regulates pigment. Primarily, hyperpigmentation is caused by exposure to the damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun. But dark spots can also...
Treat Yourself to a Spa Night In
Who doesn’t love the pampering, skin reviving benefits of a day at a luxurious spa?! Dr. Zein Obagi has recreated some of the fabulous treatments sought out by celebrities and offered at the Obagi Skin Health Institute in Beverly Hills for you at home. Send your kids and the hubs to the mall or a movie, so you can finally have some ME time. Then start by lighting a few aromatherapy candles to set the mood. Lavender is...

Skin Care in Your 20s

Skin Care in Your 20s
Your 20s is the time to set up a good foundation for basic skin care and age prevention. In your 20s, your skin is still building enough collagen to keep it supple and resilient. Breakouts are often the biggest concern, especially caused by stress, hormonal flux, late nights out, and general bad habits. Start by using the right cleanser for your skin type, twice daily. If your skin is normal, a gentle cleanser will do the trick while not drying...

Pack Your Bags With ZO

Pack Your Bags With ZO
You asked for it – we listened. In time for summer vacay planning, we are excited to introduce two new Travel Packettes of Dr. Obagi’s signature complexion control pads. Just because you’re going to be chillaxing at the beach or climbing a mountain trail, or having a barbeque in your backyard, your skin doesn’t have to suffer. According to Beverly Hills Dermatologist Dr. Zein Obagi, Medical Director of ZO Skin Health, “Your skin...

What is Healthy Skin?

What is Healthy Skin?
Dr. Zein Obagi first introduced the definition of skin health in 1983 and expanded it in 2008. His definition provides specific, easily recognized physiological, histological, and clinical attributes that can be represented by the skin of a baby as a model for healthy skin. According to the author, skin treatments must correct any abnormality in skin health that deviates from the definition so that it attains the desirable...

The Redness of Rosacea

The Redness of Rosacea
Picture this. Your face flushes for no reason and without notice. Your cheeks often look ruddy and you can see tiny spider veins. You sometimes have breakouts in those areas too. You get flare-ups sometimes after eating spicy foods, drinking alcohol, and when the weather get hot and humid. If this sounds familiar, you could be suffering from Rosacea. April is Rosacea Awareness Month, which calls out the symptoms of Rosacea to make people...
Hydroquinone-Free Products Reign Supreme
According to leading cosmetics industry market research firm Kline & Company, “While hydroquinone (HQ) has been the gold standard ingredient in the physician dispense arena for the treatment of hyperpigmentation, this ingredient is surrounded with controversy due to some of its reported side effects. Europe has banned HQ in concentrations greater than 1% and in the United States it has been banned from five states – New York,...
Alpha Arbutin – A NEW Retinol Alternative
The ZO Medical range was specifically developed as an intensive daily skincare program that slows down premature aging and skin damage, and helps to maintain healthy skin for the long term. One of the newest additions to the ZO Medical roster is OSSENTIAL® Brightalive Non Retinol Skin Brightener. What makes Brightalive so unique is that it is a highly effective skin brightening formula without containing hydroquinone or retinol....
Getting Skin Ready – 3 Steps to Gorgeous
The perefect first step in your skin care protocol is the ZO® GSR™: Getting Skin Ready system. It was designed to help you optimize the effectiveness of your ZO® treatment program. This basic system includes 3 key products; a cleanser, scrub and our best selling oil control pads, that work synergistically for maximum results.  You’re just 3 steps away from gorgeous skin! STEP 1: CLEANSE Offects® Exfoliating Cleanser This...
Radical Night Repair – Now Even Better
When it comes to anti-aging skin care, technology is the driver of beauty breakthroughs. Some of the most important categories of ingredients for anti-aging used today include; DNA repair enzymes, plant stem cells, growth factors, retinol, and peptides. Retinol has long been considered a hero anti-aging ingredient because it triggers natural skin hydration from deep within, by upregulating extracellular matrix production (collagen-1,...
What’s Growing on Your Skin?
As a dermatologist, Dr. Zein Obagi will always recommend that you monitor all the bumps and growths on your skin for changes. Doing a simple body check on yourself at home every few months can literally save your life – especially when you consider that early detection is the most important weapon we have against deadly skin cancer. So go see your dermatologist for an annual skin check or sooner, if you find something that looks...

NEW Skin Care Technology

NEW Skin Care Technology
For anti-aging skin care and cosmeceuticals, technology is the driver. Some of the most important categories of ingredients for anti-aging used today include; DNA repair enzymes, plant stem cells, growth factors, retinol, and peptides. Retinol triggers natural skin hydration from deep within, by upregulating extracellular matrix production (collagen-1, hyaluronic acid). You can find a potent form of retinol in ZO Skin Health Ossential...

Get Smart About Fillers

Get Smart About Fillers
If you’re in your 40s or 50s, chances are you’ve noticed some vertical lines in your face—not wrinkles, but loss of volume. To the rescue: facial fillers. There are several on the market now, some of which you’ve probably heard about. But which one is right for you? Your doctor may be the best judge of that, but here are some things that you should know. After you have lost collagen and elastin, fillers help the dermis return to a more...
The Truth About Skincare Products
Are skincare companies treating you fairly, or are you being ripped off? There have been a number of articles and ads comparing the effectiveness of a skincare products to their cost. While these reports raise some interesting questions, they generally don’t provide any meaningful answers. Consumer Reports concluded that just because a product is expensive doesn’t mean that it’s effective, and just because it’s inexpensive doesn’t mean...
You Multitask – So Should Your Skincare
If you know how to do five things at once, most business professionals would refer to you as a fine multitasker. You know that to get everything you want out of life, multitasking isn’t a choice, but a requirement. The same can be said for your skincare: to get everything you want for your skin, your products simply must multitask. If anyone can appreciate this concept, it’s you—today’s modern woman. That’s why Dr. Obagi created...
Think You Don’t Need SPF On a Cloudy Day?
Absolutely wrong. When your mother told you that you need to wear sunscreen every day, she was right! UV radiation from the sun comes directly through the clouds—not to mention through an office or car window—and 70% of all UV damage is from casual exposure or unintended sun on your skin. The odds of getting a sunburn are slight, as the UVB rays are short and will not have a direct affect on the skin. However, the UVA rays are...

How To Stay Cool

How To Stay Cool
If you live in an area where the temperature is starting to soar, your skin is under stress and duress. Dry skin, eczema, acne-prone skin, and sensitive skin are all especially problematic. Here’s what Dr. Obagi recommends to get through the summer heat. Sweating is your body’s way of regulating temperature. Wear fabrics that allow your skin to breathe properly, like linen and cotton. Spandex, lycra, and other such fabrics are comfortable,...
All Cleansers Are Not The Same
There are a wide range of ingredients used to formulate facial cleansers, so it is important to understand how cleansers work. Facial cleansers function in three basic ways: To remove surface debris, make-up and oil. To dissolve the bonds that hold dead skin cells to the surface of the skin. To prepare the skin to better absorb treatment and moisturizing products. Most drug-store cleansers remove surface dirt and oil, but...
Retinol for Sensitive Skin
Many people think that sensitive skin means that they have delicate or fine skin. In reality, sensitive skin is weak skin. No one is born with sensitive skin. Rather, skin becomes lazy from the use of too much moisturizer, and intolerant from the use of products with perfumes, dyes, and additives. In order to successfully treat symptoms—redness, itching, and bumps—we have to improve overall skin quality and reduce the reactive nature of...
The Great Skin Care Conspiracy
Sometimes the odds of getting a good product are bad when it comes to skin care. The creams and lotions that claim to clear, lift, firm, tighten, and correct your complexion don’t always do what they say they’re going to. Less than 50% of the products you put on your face actually help you look younger. And even fewer than that are worth what you pay for them. Why are skin care products so confusing? And why is there so little brand loyalty?...
Stress Reduction Strategies
Have you noticed that people are looking older these days? Could be that they’re not getting their BOTOX injections as frequently, or it could just be that they’re under a lot of stress—which shows up on the face as wrinkles, skin laxity, rosacea, inflammation and acne. “The problem,” Dr. Zein Obagi says, “is that stress increases the production of hormones that damage collagen and elastin.” Too much stress also takes the joy out...
How To Choose Sunscreen Without Getting Burned
Sunscreens used to be the darling of dermatologists everywhere. Now it seems the love affair is over. People don’t use them as often as necessary and don’t reapply them as frequently as they should. We don’t blame the consumers—the problem is with the sunscreens themselves. According to one leading consumer protection agency, 80% of sunscreens offer inadequate protection, make claims that are false and misleading, or cause accelerated...

Night Skincare Rituals

Night Skincare Rituals
Unlike your body, your skin doesn’t go to sleep at night. It could even be argued that nighttime products are more important than daytime, because that’s when the skin repairs itself. In fact, there are many reasons why skincare products should be applied before bed. Nighttime products are different from daytime products, because the skin’s needs are different. During the day, skin is bombarded with wind, makeup, pollution, and...
Take Good Care of Yourself
If you’re concerned about wrinkles, and you know you can’t expect to solve all of your problems overnight, where do you start? Should you avoid sunshine and UV damage, reduce stress, change your diet, quit smoking and/or drinking, use better (or more!) skincare products, eat foods rich in anti-oxidants, take nutriceuticals, stay hydrated, exercise, have more facials? Taking good care of your skin isn’t your only priority, so let’s...
Men’s vs. Women’s Skincare: What’s The Difference?
Skin doesn’t recognize differences in gender, so why does it seem like there so many differences between skincare products for men and products for women? The truth is, there really aren’t that many difference—men’s skincare products and women’s skincare products are basically the same. The only real differences between a men’s line and a women’s line are these: (1) Packaging. Packaging that appeals to men is generally...
Turning Back the Hands of Time
So caught up with skin damage control and repair above your neckline, you might forget all about the other two body parts that can give away your age if not properly cared for: YOUR HANDS. Yes, your hands. You know, the things you use to punctuate a lively story, greet people for the first time, exchange money, make a toast, break bread, hold your steering wheel, check the time, and ,well, do just about every other human function? We realize...
Still Lying About Your Age?
In her book  When You Lie About your Age, the Terrorists Win, Carol Leifer says, “At age 45, you’re only called ‘young’ if you drop dead.” While age 50 might be considered the new 40, there’s no doubt about the fact that our culture values  youth—if not the reality of youth, at least the appearance of youth. The fact is that at age 30, your skin cells go  dormant, become lazy, and slow down cellular turnover...

Skin Care Layering

Skin Care Layering
We used to get by with only 3 steps (cleanse, tone, moisturize), but that is so yesterday. But is all that layering is actually good for your skin? Well, the short answer, is that it depends. You want us to recommend FEWER steps, and we’re going to recommend MORE steps! Unfortunately, doing as you ask would not necessarily be doing you (or your skin) any favors. Some day there may be one product that cleanses, tones, activates,...
Great Makeup Starts with Great Skincare
If you’re a fan of makeovers then surely you’ve seen TLC’s “What Not to Wear” and have watched the pivotal moment when makeup artist Carmindy twirls the chair around to reveal her jaw-dropping work. Viewers can’t help but wish they knew the secret to her artistry. Well, guess what her tip #1 is? It’s not the way to master a smokey eye. Carmindy proclaims that great makeup starts with great skincare. “Skin tells all. It reflects...
Key Ingredients To Look For
When you get serious about skincare, ingredients become priority number one.  As a formulator, that is the way Dr. Obagi develops his products. He don’t have time to waste on the ineffective skincare, and neither do you. But we often hear women say that they just don’t know which ingredients are the real deal. Let’s start with the anti-oxidants. They protect your skin cells from UV damage, pollution, and free radicals. The most common...

Love Your Body

Love Your Body
What do you like best about your body lotion? If your answer has anything to do with the smell of vanilla, brown sugar, lilacs, roses, tangerine, or watermelon—you’re using the wrong lotion. Dr. Zein Obagi wants you to have a long list of things you like best about your body lotion and he wants them all to do with the way they make your skin look and feel. That’s why he formulated Body Emulsion, which hydrates, firms, fades...

Water, Water Everywhere

Water, Water Everywhere
The number one ingredient in most skincare products (even the high-priced ones!) is—you guessed it—water. Water, of course, is excellent for your skin, especially if it is supplied from the food and water that you consume. Water applied to the surface has much less value. A principal ingredient in most moisturizers, water does in fact help to plump the skin, thereby helping to smooth and hydrate—but it won’t affect a real change in...

Use It or Lose It

Use It or Lose It
Why do so many skincare companies put products in 1-to-6 ounce containers? Why not supersize them, like some discount retailers do? The problem is that supersized products may be false economy. Here’s why: Just about all personal cosmetic products have a shelf life. You can see that date printed on the jar; it’s called the PAO (Period After Opening)—an illustration of a little open jar, with a number inside, like 6M, 12M, etc. This...

Best Facials for Acne

Best Facials for Acne
Sometimes, despite your best intentions, at-home care for acne just isn’t enough. Sometimes you need the advice and treatments of an aesthetician or a dermatologist. A facial may be a good idea, but always make sure that you’re getting the right kind of facial as some acne facials can actually make the problem worse. Here’s what to look for—and what to look out for. A good acne facial requires four steps: cleansing, exfoliation,...

Give Your Skin The Rub

Give Your Skin The Rub
Lotions, creams, serums and other skin care products that sit on the surface of your skin have little to no benefit. Beverly Hills dermatologist Dr. Zein Obagi recommends massaging creams and lotions into your skin until they have completely disappeared and absorbed fully. Here are the added benefits: Apply products vigorously in a circular motion giving your skin added exercise to stimulate dormant cells. You will enhance the activity...
So You Think You Have Sensitive Skin?
Dr. Zein Obagi doesn’t believe in sensitive skin. He believes that skin needs to be strengthened by using the right skin care regimen to restore it to optimal health. Classic symptoms of so-called sensitive skin include: diffuse redness and irritation, especially in the T-zone tingling, tightening, dryness, and flakiness reaction or discomfort to procedures or products—shaving, waxing, cosmetics blotchiness, swelling, edema, which...
It’s What’s Inside That Counts
Wrinkles happen. Gray hair happens. Age spots happen. But they are all reversible to some extent. Look in the mirror—you already know that what’s really important and it may not be visible on the surface. The same is true with your skin. The cells that are visible on the surface of your skin are all dead. The cells that are really important reside deep in the epidermis and the dermis, way beneath the surface. It’s there that the skin cells...
Do Your Hands Give Away Your Age?
At about age 35, your hands begin to look older. Wrinkles, age spots, loss of elasticity, protruding veins start to appear. In fact, 68% of women claim that their hands make them look at least 10 years older. So why do most hand lotions fall short? As we get older, the skin on our hands begins to thin. Because there’s so little fat and muscle in our hands, the bones, wrinkles, and veins all begin to show. You need to thicken the skin...
Stretch Your Skin Care Budget with ZO
Want to save some money on your beauty routine? Here’s one easy way: start with a simple regimen from one skincare company. If you mix and match brands, you’re likely to have redundancy (too much of one ingredient), or voids (not enough of another). So when you find skin care that really works for your skin, stick with it. Your regimen MUST include these basic products: a good gentle daily cleanser treatment product (that activates...
