So caught up with skin damage control and repair above your neckline, you might forget all about the other two body parts that can give away your age if not properly cared for: YOUR HANDS.
Yes, your hands. You know, the things you use to punctuate a lively story, greet people for the first time, exchange money, make a toast, break bread, hold your steering wheel, check the time, and ,well, do just about every other human function?
We realize your face is your face, but your hands attract their fair share of attention, too. And, if you don’t care for them properly, you could essentially be adding 10 years to your age.
That’s exactly why Dr. Zein Obagi created the 3-step Oraser Anti-Aging Hand Care Program. Take a look at the kit and decide if your situation requires all three products or if you can get away with just two. If your hands just recently started showing signs of aging, you might even only need to use one independently.
Designed to correct the damage that’s already been done and to prevent future damage, the products will make it look like you never experienced that panic-stricken moment of realizing you overlooked your hands. And it’s never too late to get started. Let’s face it, you can’t get away with gloves year-round.