
Hold The Zinc Please

Hold The Zinc Please
Remember when the idea of wearing sunscreen used to mean pasty white globs of thick creams on your nose? That was zinc oxide, which is why most people skipped the sunscreen in the early days. Among the individual sunscreen ingredients approved by the FDA, there are chemical and physical sunscreens.  To be effective, chemical sunscreens need to be rubbed into the skin for about 20 minutes before sun exposure. They do a good job at blocking...

Skin Cancer Detection

Skin Cancer Detection
There are three main types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and malignant melanoma. Melanoma is the most severe form of skin cancer, as it can spread quickly throughout the body if not treated at an early stage. The good news is that early detection is the best defense against deadly skin cancers. Regular check ups and screenings every 6-12 months with your Dermatologist can literally be life-saving. Consult with...

Beautiful Bride Bootcamp

Beautiful Bride Bootcamp
You found the perfect dress, but there’s still so much do before you walk down the aisle and say “I do.” Your big day is coming and it will be all eyes on you. So how can you make sure that your skin is ready for prime time? Start six weeks ahead on an intensive skin care regimen to purge pores, smooth lines and creases, and reverse pigmentation for a flawless look. Try this simple and effective home regimen to look positively...
Skin Cancer Awareness Month
May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month – and it is also the start of the summer season when most of us will be spending more time enjoying the great outdoors. According to Dr. Z. Paul Lorenc, New York plastic surgeon, one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime, and the rates of melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer,  have been rising steadily for the past three decades. Basal Cell Carcinomas (most...

Skin Care in Your 20s

Skin Care in Your 20s
Your 20s is the time to set up a good foundation for basic skin care and age prevention. In your 20s, your skin is still building enough collagen to keep it supple and resilient. Breakouts are often the biggest concern, especially caused by stress, hormonal flux, late nights out, and general bad habits. Start by using the right cleanser for your skin type, twice daily. If your skin is normal, a gentle cleanser will do the trick while not drying...
Radical Night Repair – Now Even Better
When it comes to anti-aging skin care, technology is the driver of beauty breakthroughs. Some of the most important categories of ingredients for anti-aging used today include; DNA repair enzymes, plant stem cells, growth factors, retinol, and peptides. Retinol has long been considered a hero anti-aging ingredient because it triggers natural skin hydration from deep within, by upregulating extracellular matrix production (collagen-1,...

Skin Enemy #1

Skin Enemy #1
The sun presents a great conundrum for dermatologists and skin care professionals. On the one hand, it is the life-giving source of all natural living things. On the other hand, UV exposure is the cause of premature aging and, even worse, skin cancer. It was once believed that only UVB was damaging because it causes the epidermis to burn and turn red. But now we know that UVA is equally damaging, if not more dangerous. UVA rays account for up to...
There Is No Such Thing as a Safe Tan
You can’t dispute the science. The UVA and UVB rays from the sun as well as tanning beds and lamps lead to premature photo-aging at best, and skin cancer, including deadly melanoma, at worst. As beauty magazines and dermatologists advise, “The only safe tan is a fake tan.” According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, “A tan, whether you get it on the beach, in a bed, or through incidental exposure, is bad news, any way you acquire it.” And...
Fear of Aging Motivates Teens to Use an SPF
It turns out that fear of looking old motivates teens to apply sunscreen much more than the possibility of developing skin cancer. A recent study from the University of Colorado in Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, found that educating teens about the aging and appearance-related effects of sun exposure is more effective than showing them the relationship between UV exposure and skin cancer when it comes to getting them to use...

Why You Need Vitamin D

Why You Need Vitamin D
UV rays are an important - and very efficient - source of Vitamin D, which helps prevent osteoporosis, high blood pressure, and cancer. But you can still apply sunscreen every day, and get all of the Vitamin D that you need. You only need about 10-15 minutes of exposure per day, and that can come through any part of your body—your hands, your arms, etc. If you’re going to be outdoors, you still need sunscreen on your face! That UV...
The Truth About Skincare Products
Are skincare companies treating you fairly, or are you being ripped off? There have been a number of articles and ads comparing the effectiveness of a skincare products to their cost. While these reports raise some interesting questions, they generally don’t provide any meaningful answers. Consumer Reports concluded that just because a product is expensive doesn’t mean that it’s effective, and just because it’s inexpensive doesn’t mean...
Think You Don’t Need SPF On a Cloudy Day?
Absolutely wrong. When your mother told you that you need to wear sunscreen every day, she was right! UV radiation from the sun comes directly through the clouds—not to mention through an office or car window—and 70% of all UV damage is from casual exposure or unintended sun on your skin. The odds of getting a sunburn are slight, as the UVB rays are short and will not have a direct affect on the skin. However, the UVA rays are...
How To Choose Sunscreen Without Getting Burned
Sunscreens used to be the darling of dermatologists everywhere. Now it seems the love affair is over. People don’t use them as often as necessary and don’t reapply them as frequently as they should. We don’t blame the consumers—the problem is with the sunscreens themselves. According to one leading consumer protection agency, 80% of sunscreens offer inadequate protection, make claims that are false and misleading, or cause accelerated...
Making Changes to Your Skin
By removing the top layers of dead skin cells and activating the lower dermis (where all the action is), the texture, tone, and firmness of your skin can change. If your products and treatments only work on the surface, all you will get is a temporary cosmetic effect and no real change. Think of the top layers of your skin as a dried sponge: if you get it wet, it will soften and plump; if you leave the sponge out on the counter, it will just dry...
Preparing Your Skin for Spring
The story goes that if world-famous groundhog Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, we’re in for six more weeks of winter. At the beginning of the month, there was no shadow in sight, and Phil says we can look forward to an early spring. That means it’s almost time to store the sweaters, pull out the beach towels, and put the top down. But what are you doing to get your skin ready? According to Dr. Zein Obagi, it takes hard work to get great...
Turning Back the Hands of Time
So caught up with skin damage control and repair above your neckline, you might forget all about the other two body parts that can give away your age if not properly cared for: YOUR HANDS. Yes, your hands. You know, the things you use to punctuate a lively story, greet people for the first time, exchange money, make a toast, break bread, hold your steering wheel, check the time, and ,well, do just about every other human function? We realize...
Fight Aging Through Better Sun Protection
There is a reason why there are so many dermatologists and plastic surgeons in California and Florida: not only are people there concerned about their appearance, but they have more sun damage than most anywhere else. Tans—once considered healthy and attractive—are really the precursor to weathered, aged skin. Of course, anti-aging skin care products are popular all over, but especially in the sunbelt states where the sun’s UV rays pose...
Do Your Hands Give Away Your Age?
At about age 35, your hands begin to look older. Wrinkles, age spots, loss of elasticity, protruding veins start to appear. In fact, 68% of women claim that their hands make them look at least 10 years older. So why do most hand lotions fall short? As we get older, the skin on our hands begins to thin. Because there’s so little fat and muscle in our hands, the bones, wrinkles, and veins all begin to show. You need to thicken the skin...
Asian Skin—Part Nature, Part Nurture
Asian women are often the envy of women around the world because they tend to look younger than their chronological age. Why are they so fortunate? Asian skin generally contains more melanin, so photoaging is less visible. By avoiding sun exposure, they can maintain a more even-tone complexion and their skin is less prone to the tell-tale signs of aging—like wrinkling and sagging. What are some of the characteristics of Asian skin types?...
